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ALFA to help implement aquatic environmental benchmarks

April 19th, 2011
Splash Magazine

The Queensland branch of the Australian Leisure Facilities Association (ALFAQ) has joined with the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) under their ClimateSmart Business Association program to deliver an environmental sustainability program.

The program will include a series of trial groups investigating how facilities can implement strategies to improve their use of water and power, reduce their waste and continue to provide a healthy and sustainable recreational environment.

ALFAQ Executive Officer, Stephen Butler says that the program will deliver world class industry-based benchmarks, policies, procedures and operational instructions.

“The aquatics industry operates in a utilities hungry environment,” he says. “This program will identify how they can improve their operational practices and deliver a range of cost saving measures.”

The program will be overseen by a steering committee consisting of John Konrads as Chair and ALFAQ Board Representative, Cr Russell Green from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Mark Upson from Strategic Leisure, Sean Kelly from Brisbane City Council, Wayne Taylor from MagnaPool, Dan Cullen from Belgravia Leisure, Don Gordon from Townsville City Council, Darrin Crompton from Energex and Stephen Butler as overall project manager. Gary Penfold, ALFA National Chairman, will be an invited guest and provide valuable input from his own experiences.

The steering committee held its first meeting on March 10, 2011, agreeing to develop and promote environmental sustainable practices specifically aimed at the aquatics sector within Queensland.

One of the key areas that impressed DERM in evaluating ALFAQ’s project was the connection with industry suppliers.

“We will be looking to work closely with our suppliers to ensure we capture all relevant trends and practices,” says Butler. “We know that several other countries are using environmental friendly strategies, we now have to identify how these and other potential ideas can be implemented here.”

The committee’s focus is now to identify potential facilities throughout the state that are willing to take part in the forthcoming project trials.

The DERM ClimateSmart program will also include funding other industry bodies such as the Australian Institute of Management, the Building Designers Association of Queensland (BDAQ), the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the Queensland Newsagents Federation (QNF).

ALFAQ has put out a call for interested parties – both individuals and businesses – who can provide input to this project. This would include existing strategies or equipment specifically designed with environmental sustainability in mind. For more information email alfaq@alfaleisure,org.au or call 0418 876 554.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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