Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre wins sustainability award

A public aquatic centre has won a major sustainability award in Victoria.
Now in its 21st year, the Premier’s Sustainability Awards are Victoria’s most prestigious annual environmental awards program, recognising the success of businesses, local governments and communities in this area.
Brimbank City Council has won the Community Champion Award in the Sustainable Places category for the Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre – billed as Australia’s first 100 per cent renewable energy-powered, zero greenhouse gas emissions aquatic centre.
A spokesperson for Brimbank City Council said that winning the award goes a long way to recognising all the hard work, technology and investment that has gone into building and operating the facility.
“We could have built the standard energy intensive aquatic facility, but we decided to do something better,” they said.
“The Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre will provide a sustainable place for fun, recreation, exercise and wellness for future generations to come.”