Comments due to close on impending water restrictions

Greater Sydney is in drought with dam levels at 56.6 per cent. As set by the Metropolitan Water Plan, when dam levels reach 50 per cent, water restrictions will be introduced. Sydney Water is now preparing for this.
Sydney Water advises that more than 85 per cent of Greater Sydney’s water supply is reliant on rain. During prolonged droughts, the region’s water is in short supply. The implementation of water restrictions being proposed by Sydney Water is part of the plan in place to secure Greater Sydney's water supply.
Sydney Water has developed a draft proposal of water restrictions to save water if the drought continues. Water restrictions apply to everyone. For some non-residential customers, like the swimming pool and spa industry, outdoor water use is essential to our core business and existence.
The proposal
To limit the impact on businesses, Sydney Water is proposing:
Exclusions: a list of water services and uses where restrictions don’t apply
• Topping up of swimming pools to replace water lost through normal use, including evaporation
Exemptions: granted to businesses that rely on outdoor water use to minimise the impact of water restrictions on critical activities (there will be an application process for an exemption permit).
• Level 1 Restrictions (Dams at 50%): *Filling new or renovated swimming pools and spas
• Level 2 Restrictions (Dams at 35%): *Filling new or renovated swimming pools and spas
*A Sydney Water Permit for 10,000L or more and a pool cover will be required
Your feedback is important
Sydney Water wants to hear your views on the exemptions they have proposed for the swimming pool and spa industry.
Survey: Please register and complete the online survey by Friday, 15 April.
Workshops: Sydney Water has also planned small group workshops in Sydney.
Date: Thursday 11 April
Time: 2pm-3:30pm or 6pm-7:30pm
To attend a workshop, please register your interest by emailing your details and preferred time to