Dangerous inflatable spas given out as Keno prizes

Dangerous and potentially deadly portable inflatable spas of a similar type to those recalled by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in April 2014 and reported in SPLASH! in May 2014, were given away as prizes by Tabcorp Holdings Ltd in a Keno "Win a Spa Promotion" between May 2014 and June 2014.
The models recalled in April 2014 were the 700-litre M-Spa Inflatable Silver Cloud Spa after reports of people in Victoria receiving electric shocks when using the spa, and ineffective electrical insulation was found to the the cause. Bunnings recalled more than 730 of the spas.
In December 2014, other models of the Chinese-made spas were recalled, including the MSpa Lite Inflatable Spa (model B-090 Lite Alpine) which was given away as Keno prizes. Faulty electrics in the heating element assembly may cause the water to become live, with serious risk to the bathers.
The MSpa Tuscany B-160, Camaro Spa B130 and those with Serial # 2G3BAU are also being recalled. Other names include Bubble Silver Cloud Inflatable Spa and Nest 2 Person Inflatable Spa.
The spas were available for sale nationally through various wholesalers and retailers including Clark Rubber, Swim In, Pool Mart, Jooewang Ltd, Pool Gallery, Chrisco Australia and on eBay. They were supplied by Oriental Recreational Products (ORPC).
In January 2015 the ACCC issued a specific notice regarding the B-090 Lite Alpine model.
There have been a number of reported incidents both within Australia and Europe. In Australia the ACCC is aware of at least 10 incidents of electric shocks. In Europe there were two near fatal incidents and two serious injuries.
Anyone who has one of the spas should stop using it immediately and unplug it from the socket outlet.
They should disconnect the control box and check the information on the protective cover of the control box or on the spa liner; examine rating labels for the brand name, model number, double insulation symbol, serial number, approval number and the supplier name.
You can check if the spa has been recalled by visiting www.recalls.gov.au. If a voluntary recall is in place, contact your supplier. If a voluntary recall is not in place, email the ACCC at productsafety@accc.gov.au or call the ACCC Infocentre on 1300 302 502, Monday-Friday 8:30am to 8:00pm.
For more information go to the ACCC recall website: December Recall, January Recall.
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