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Digging for leads

February 22nd, 2011
Splash Magazine

SPLASH! is planning an article later in the year about unusual things dug up by builders while preparing  a pool site, and would like your help.

The idea was sparked by a US contractor who discovered the bones of a prehistoric trilophodon, part of the mastodon family, while digging a client’s pool.

Ruins of villages and ancient artefacts  have been discovered in other parts of the world. One couple, longing for a swimming pool since purchasing their home five years earlier, finally decided to make the investment. Their contractor discovered a completely built “swimming pool,” which had been filled in and covered with lawn by a previous owner.

We’ll also be covering  issues stemming from the finds (delayed construction while the palaeontologists dig out  the dinosaur, for example).

We’re looking for stories about anything unusual that has been unearthed – from the mundane (a huge rock that had to be removed by a crane?) to the bizarre (an ancient graveyard?) – to the funny (a box of disintegrated/deteriorated money from the 19th century?).

The article will be researched and written by our correspondent Christina DiMartino. If you have had such an experience or know a builder/designer/contractor who has, please email SPLASH! and Christina will be in contact.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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