Ecodomes covering all types of pools

Pool enclosure company Ecodomes manufactures its environment-friendly covers in Capral, Victoria.
The versatility of Ecodomes’ flexible system is in its ability to retain an outdoor option for beautiful summer days, while also offering complete weather protection when the cooler seasons come along.
An enclosure not only provides the potential for year-round swimming but also creates an elegant additional room for entertaining and exercise. Ecodomes’ patented designs are among the most innovative and technically advanced in the world, and the company has more than 40 years experience in the construction and design of lightweight structures.
EcoDome enclosures can be either fixed in position or mobile. All moveable sections can also be telescoped into one fixed end section. The enclosures may also be freestanding if attached to a building or a wall.
Most importantly, the enclosures contain UV-treated roof panels to prevent UV radiation penetration. Whether it's the height of summer of the middle of winter, the enclosures allow for swimming all year round.
Ecodomes believes the enclosures represent ecological thinking, saving on heating, pool chemicals, cleaning products and evaporation, while helping protect consumers from the damaging effects of the sun and promoting more exercise time.
And when the home owner moves, it can be dismantled and taken to their new location.
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