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Encouragement for natural pool

January 4th, 2011
Splash Magazine

The SPLASH! Environmental Encouragement Award went to Placid Pools for their natural pool project which uses biomass media beds to filter the water and carry out the vast majority of the sanitisation.

The concept is based on a European natural biomass system, which includes the use of specific plants to assist with the sanitisation process. It has been further developed by Placid and adapted to the Australian environment.

The judges found this project very interesting, but felt they needed more information to be able to judge it more accurately. The main environmental positive effect was to do with chemical usage, while water and energy efficiency had a lesser impact in this particular project.

However, the judges found the concept something very much worth keeping an eye on. They acknowledged that at the present time, this system would be for a niche market – limiting its overall impact on the swimming pool industry. However, the judges believed in the future and with development the concept could become more widely used and have a greater impact for more pool owners.

This project has since won a further award, the Tropical Innovation of the Year.

Click here for more on the SPLASH! Environmental Awards.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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