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Four golfers heading to Las Vegas courtesy of Lo-Chlor Chemicals

August 23rd, 2016
Brett Mooney, Barry McCauley, John Thompson (who won the playoff for the team), Paul Simons (Lo-Chlor, sponsor) and Mike Marshall
Brett Mooney, Barry McCauley, John Thompson (who won the playoff for the team), Paul Simons (Lo-Chlor, sponsor) and Mike Marshall

Four golfers combined skill with a touch of luck to win the playoff at the Andrew Simons Memorial Golf Day, held on the final day of SPLASH! week.

Thanks to Lo-Chlor Chemicals, they have won four tickets to Las Vegas to attend the International Pool - Spa - Patio Expo 2017 (IPSPE) show. They are Brett Mooney, Barry McCauley, John Thompson and Mike Marshall. ‪

The Andrew Simons Memorial golf day is based on a four-man ambrose with a twist. Lo-Chlor Chemicals co-ordinated and sponsored the day which not only included the ambrose event but a unique sudden death playoff format.

This revolutionary system revolves around a super six draw which occurs at the end of the day's play. Six holes were chosen at random from the eighteen played. The eight teams with the best scores over those chosen holes then nominated a player as their representative in the playoff.

Cartloads of golfers followed the players around the holes, creating a true gallery atmosphere as they enjoyed the sporting excitement. After the first hole, the field was reduced to four, and at the end of the second hole the match was still tied. John Thompson then won the thrilling putt-off to claim the prize for his team.

There were also prizes for the ambrose event and the winners of the shootout won four airfares to Las Vegas, Nevada USA and accommodation for four nights where they can attend the International Pool - Spa - Patio Expo 2017 as guests of Lo-Chlor.

Andrew Simons founded Lo-Chlor Chemicals in 1979 and pioneered water chemistry and water treatment in the Australian pool and spa industry. Today, Lo-Chlor Chemicals and M.I International Pty Ltd are run by Paul Simons (Andrew’s son) who is a keen golfer and enthusiastic supporter of the industry.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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