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Government focus on pool shop security

December 8th, 2010
Splash Magazine

A Government campaign to stop terrorists accessing potentially dangerous chemicals has targetted chemical retailers, including pool shops.
Chemicals have been used in terrorist attacks throughout the world, and these chemicals are commonly available in domestic, agricultural, veterinary, industrial and beauty products. In many cases, terrorists acquire chemicals from the same locations as the general public.
The National Industry Reference Group on Chemical Security (NIRG), which is overseen by the Attorney-General’s Department, has put together a media campaign including consumer print, poster and online ads with the slogan “If You Suspect It Report It”.
Additionally, they’ve produced some brochures for chemical retailers including pool shops, asking them to maintain vigilance in Knowing Your Customer.
Knowing your customer involves being able to identify whether a customer’s purchase of a chemical product is legitimate. Businesses are best placed to prevent, detect and deter suspicious purchases of chemicals. This can be achieved by knowing your customers and reporting anything that seems unusual.
In particular, retailers should consider:
• Does the customer fit the usual profile?
• Is the order unusually small or large?
• Is the intended use of the product responsible?
• Does the mode of payment and delivery arouse suspicion?
For further information, please refer to the Chemical Security website, at www.chemicalsecurity.gov.au or call the National Security Hotline: 1800 123 400.
Meanwhile, some pool shops had reported telephone enquiries regarding security of chemicals by a person purporting to be from a Government department.
SPASA has issued a warning that retailers should request to inspect official documentation or identification, and that any similar approach by telephone should be considered dubious and reported to SPASA or the security hotline.

By The Splash Team
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