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Help Elena Gosse tackle domestic violence by donating to her Dancing CEOs campaign

March 8th, 2016
 AIS’s CEO, Elena Gosse is calling for industry support to help her achieve her fundraising goal for the Dancing CEOs
Elena Gosse is calling for industry to help her support Dancing CEOs and WLSQ

AIS’s CEO, Elena Gosse is calling for industry support to help her achieve her fundraising goal for the Dancing CEOs charity event to help women and their children escape domestic violence.

In April she will be swapping the boardroom for the dancefloor as part of Dancing CEOs gala event. All funds raised will go to Women’s Legal Service Queensland (WLSQ) to help deliver free legal aid and welfare assistance to those who need it most.

It’s easy to help.

Simply donate $5 (or more if you like) to Gosse’s industry challenge via the secure everyday hero link. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

If 500 industry members each donate $5, she will be $2500 closer to reaching her total $20,000 fundraising goal.

The domestic violence statistics are frightening:

• On average two women each week are killed by domestic violence in Australia.

• Domestic violence has long lasting effects on one in four children.

• Last year WLSQ helped 3200 Queensland women and their children but an estimated 16,000 calls went unanswered.

• WLSQ needs over $200,000 to implement a new phone help-line and answer 700 per cent more calls from women in need.

How you can help:

• Any donation (no matter how big or how small) is appreciated.

• A $35 donation will allow WLSQ to provide assistance for a woman and her children for one month.

• A $60 donation will allow WLSQ to provide an hour of free legal help on a domestic violence or family law matter.

• A $420 donation will allow WLSQ to provide assistance for a woman and her children for one year.

Gosse urges everyone in the swimming pool industry to join her in taking steps to help eradicate domestic violence.

“I would love it if every SPLASH! reader considered making a tax-deductable donation, no matter how small, to help me achieve my $10,000 fundraising goal,” she says.

“You can donate as an individual or a company and in your own name or anonymously. I would be so proud if I could be the top fundraiser and say, on behalf of the pool industry, that together we are making a stand against domestic violence.”

Click here to donate.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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