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How to improve your pool and spa business through video

January 29th, 2020

By Brett Lloyd Abbott

The explosive growth of online video is remarkable.

YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005.

Now, 15 years later, more than 5 billion YouTube videos are watched every single day. It’s the second most-visited site in the world; next to only Google, who owns the platform.

Granted, there’s no shortage of funny cat videos and news bloopers, but top marketers embrace video as a best practice and it’s now ranked as the most effective form of content marketing.

If you aren’t using video advertising effectively, you’ve invited your competitor right into your boardroom.

[Watch this clip below for an interesting example of video for pool retailers and technicians from Swim University]

The stats speak for themselves

Check out these compelling statistics:

• Businesses using video grow revenue 49 per cent faster than organisations without video;

• Social video generates 1200 per cent more shares than text and images combined;

• 70 per cent of marketers say video produces more conversions than any other type of content;

• Companies using video enjoy 41 per cent more web traffic from searches than non-users;

• Facebook gives video content priority in its news feed;

• Only 28 per cent of website content is read on average;

• 59 per cent of C-suite execs prefer watching video to reading text on a page;

• E-commerce customers are 50 per cent more confident of their purchase after watching a product video, and cart contents can increase up to 174 per cent;

• 40 per cent of consumers say video increases the chance they’ll purchase a product from their mobile device.

The list goes on.

It’s a fact that videos are the most powerful form of communication today. Why? Because video works. Most people are visual learners, and the combination of voice, imagery and text is more much more engaging than text alone.

You might already understand the full power of video. But if you’re using videos now and still aren’t getting the results you want, it probably has nothing to do with the way the video looks or how fancy it is. The problem is you’re not utilising this method of marketing and advertising strategically.

Turn the spotlight on your prospect

Effective videos will hit a few key points, but the crucial factor is: they must be “client-centric.”

Client-centric videos are a great way to indoctrinate prospects in a warm, relaxed way. But they have to focus on the client…not on you!

This style of video subtly influences people with content that is easy to consume, while providing a roadmap to their desired result.

If you currently have video marketing in place, review it right now and ask yourself “Am I focused on the client’s needs, or is my video simply telling people how awesome my product is?” If you aren’t getting the results you want, you may already know the answer.

Another key point to video success – it’s all about the script. Content rules!

Perfect lighting, stunning picture quality, elaborate soundtracks…all of that becomes useless if you can’t engage your prospect and get your message (your cohesively crafted, client-centric message that focuses tightly on your prospects’ hot buttons) across in a believable and professional manner.

A properly produced video can accomplish basically any marketing goal you have—from educating your customers to generating leads to promoting the perfect sales pitch. It also eliminates the pitfalls of face-to-face meetings where clients can become distracted, disinterested or even pressured by your salesperson.

Open timing

In addition, a video is easy to schedule.

It doesn’t have to be slotted in between the lunch meeting that ran late and the kid’s soccer practice that starts early. Your prospect can click that link at his or her own convenience, which is much more likely to generate a receptive mood. And your message will be delivered perfectly at any time, day or night.

A series of videos that effectively helps prospects understand your products, develops goodwill and trust, and positions your brand as the authority in your industry will have a major impact on your marketing efforts. Use videos to focus on the prospect’s desired results and goals, and to map out ways your company can assist them in achieving those results.

These articles by Pool Builder Marketing’s Brett Lloyd Abbott’s are part of a series designed to provide pool companies with unique insights that will help them address modern marketplace challenges.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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