Last chance to comment on draft pool barrier standard

The SPASA Australia roadshows on the draft Australian Standard on swimming pool safety barriers delivered nationwide in November resulted in more than 2000 comments being submitted by industry participants.
However, you can still comment on AS1926.1 if you haven't already.
The draft seeks to provide additional information and guidance to all related industries, pool owners, pool users, councils and certifiers so they have a better understanding of the design, construction and compliance requirements of a child-resistant barrier.
Changes proposed in the AS1926.1 draft include a number of new requirements that have the potential to impact the swimming pool and spa industry, and there are concerns that the new draft may be more complex than is necessary and may not achieve the initial proposed objective to reduce interpretation, ambiguity and provide greater clarification.
Responses are due by 31 December 2019.
SPASA Australia's Spiros Dassakis says that industry’s participation is critical in voicing concerns and solutions to improve the draft Australian Standard.
Industry members and other stakeholders can provide comments in the following ways:
Commenting on draft 1926.1 Standard
Downloading Draft Standard. Industry participants wishing to access a copy of the draft standard must first register to download the draft. See below for how to register:
- Click this link
- Register your details
- Click on Public Access
- Click on “Drafts Open for Public Comment”
- Type in 1926 in the search area to locate the standard
- Download the draft standard
Commenting on Draft Standard. This can be done either:
- Online; or
by using the Standards Australia Public Comments template and then uploading your comments.
- or simply write down your comments in a word document or email:
Image: The roadshow presentation in Sydney