Latest pool and spa industry advice on Victorian lockdown

Below is the advice from August 11, 2020.
Construction sites
All sites will:
• Have a High Risk COVIDSafe Plan in place that is regularly updated. Where practicable COVIDSafe Plans should be designed with input from employees and their representatives
• Allow no more than one worker per four square metres of enclosed workspace.
All employees, supervisors and on-site specialists will be:
• prohibited from car-pooling to and from work
• be required to inform their employer if they share accommodation with anyone working at another high-risk workplace
• required to limit movement between multiple sites and observe enhanced PPE and hygiene measures if working between sites.
Each small-scale construction site will:
• reduce the number of people on-site to five people plus a supervisor at any one time
• limit movement of workers between different sites where possible, and only with appropriate guidance
• supervisors can move between sites and specialist contractors can move between up to three sites per week, subject to enhanced COVIDSafe practices.
Worker Count:
All workers count towards the applicable daily worker limit with the exception of workers specifically dedicated to oversight of COVIDSafe functions in the workplace.
Trades people and builders can only visit a home for renovations if the homeowners have fully vacated the property and are not staying there during the period of Stage 4 restrictions.
If homeowners have vacated the property, then renovations can proceed in line with restrictions on residential construction.
If homeowners are still living at the property, then trades people and builders can only make emergency repairs.
NOTE: SPASA Australia is continuing to advocate that unlike renovations to the actual home, pool and spa construction/installation occurs away from the house in the backyard and there is no contact or interaction between workers and homeowners.
Pool shops and technicians:
Pool shops and pool & spa service technicians are only permitted to operate contactless ‘click and collect’ and delivery services with strict safety protocols in place.
Pool & spa service along with maintenance activities can only take place for urgent, emergency residential repair and maintenance or where work relates to the health and safety of homeowners.
NOTE: SPASA Australia is continuing to advocate for the ability to provide pool and spa service and maintenance activities as:
1. Pools and spas require ongoing chemical supplies to keep them safe as well as ongoing maintenance of sanitation equipment to ensure they operate correctly.
2. Without pool and spa chemicals and proper maintenance, various pathogens can grow, such as Pseudomonas, Cryptosporidium, E. Coli, Shigella, etc. It can also create a breeding ground for mosquitoes, other pests and the diseases they may carry, which presents a risk not only to bathers but to entire communities.
3. Keeping pools and spas safe is a public health obligation. We do not want to replace one virus for another.
Manufacturing sector guidance:
Ancillary and support businesses are able to open on-site to ensure the necessary production, supply, manufacture, repair, maintenance, cleaning, security, wholesale, distribution, transportation or sale of equipment, goods or services required for the operations of a Permitted Work Premises, or for Closed Work Premises where there are safety or environmental obligations. The business cannot operate on-site for any other purpose.
Employer obligations:
Under the Stage 4 restrictions, workplaces that remain open must:
• have a COVIDSafe Plan in place that is regularly updated (unless you are a small business with fewer than 5 employees)
• ensure that any workers that can work from home are able to do so
• collect records of all workers, subcontractors, customers and clients attending the work premises for 15 minutes or longer (certain exemptions will apply)
• one worker per four square metres of enclosed workspace or in shared areas
• unless an exemption applies, ensure that workers do not work across multiple sites, or for multiple employers
• ensure that workers are in good health - workers cannot work if they are unwell and employers must not require workers with symptoms to work
• if your worker is unwell, send them home and direct them to be tested. They must stay home until they have their result
• report any positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) to DHHS, Worksafe, Health and Safety Representatives, and notify your workforce
• regularly clean your facilities, shared spaces and provide additional cleaning supplies
• undertake risk assessments for cleaning and the potential closure of your workplace in certain situations.
Regional Victoria has moved to Stage 3 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria.
Under these restrictions, a COVIDSafe Plan is advised for businesses.
You must only leave home for one of the four permitted reasons: shopping for food and necessary items, medical care and care-giving, compassionate reasons– including to be tested for coronavirus (COVID-19), exercise and study or work – if unable to work or study from home.
• You should maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres from others.
• Shopping centres and market stalls must limit the number of people on their premises in line with density requirements of one person per four square metres and follow cleaning and other recommendations by the Victorian Government.
• Each shop that is permitted to open needs to comply with the four-square metre rule, signage and cleaning recommendations.
• You are encouraged to shop local and avoid large indoor crowds.
• Beauty therapy, tanning, waxing, nail salons, spas, tattoo parlours and massage parlours must not operate.
• Hairdressing and barbers can operate. Density, cleaning, signage and record keeping requirements apply Auction houses are only permitted to conduct auctions remotely.
• Real estate auctions can only occur remotely, and inspections can take place by private appointment only.
• Market stalls: only takeaway food and drink only can operate.
You must wear a face covering, unless you have a lawful exception for not doing so when shopping for food and essential items. Even with a face covering, you should keep 1.5 metres distance between you and others.
For more information: