Melbourne lockdown over as Victoria enters Third Step

The most restrictive elements of the Victorian response to the second covid wave have gone and the Melbourne lockdown is over. This means greater freedoms for construction contractors, retailers and the general public. Further easing of restrictions are expected on November 9.
From October 28 changes were made to restrictions in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
See the Premier's metropolitan statement and the regional Victoria roadmap for details.
Under the Third Step:
Shopping, retail and personal services:
Restricted. Open with density quotients and cleaning requirements.
For more information visit the Retail Trade (Good) Sector Guidance Page
Construction: 100% workforce capacity. Site visit limit on specialist contractors removed. Other additional obligations remain in place.
For more information refer to Construction Sector Guidance Page
Note: Every Victorian business that is open must follow the six principles to ensure a COVIDSafe workplace. Find out more about the six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces.
Aquatic Centres:
Metropolitan Melbourne will be able to return to the water for indoor pools on November 9, with indoor pools (including swimming classes) open subject to pool maximum of 20 patrons or density quotient (1 person per 4m2).
Swimming and recreation restrictions.