Naked partners with Focus

Australian inline “freshwater” sanitisation system manufacturer Naked Pools has joined forces with chemical and water analysis software supplier Focus Products, creating what a first glance would seem an unusual partnership.
However Naked Pools director Darren Milne says the partnership should offer greater confidence to the builder market to know their customers will be fully supported by a national network of stores.
He also says they should gain confidence from the professional technology provided through both companies with comprehensive software, online resources and the soon to be released Naked Pools App.
“The retailer and customer now have a full toolkit to easily maintain their healthy, crystal clear freshwater pool all year round,” he says. “What it brings for pool builders and their customers is the largest professional retail network in Australia for ongoing support of freshwater pools after handover.”
Focus managing director Steven Humphris says that Focus promotes a philosophy of “swim more, work less” and advocates a “less is more” approach when it comes to pool chemicals.
“This makes Focus an ideal fit for Naked’s freshwater pools,” he says.
“Consumers are looking for alternatives to the traditional chlorine or salt chlorinated pools, and with one-in-three Aussies suffering from some kind of skin condition or asthma, a smart freshwater solution is the next obvious choice,” he says.
This partnership follows the news in July this year that Pool Ranger had begun distributing the Naked Freshwater System in NSW.
Focus Products was formed in 1991 to provide a full service and product solution to the swimming pool and spa market. Operations started humbly in Brisbane and have since expanded to an international network.
The Naked Pools directors have a combined 40 years industry experience in pool innovation, which they used to develop the Naked freshwater system that utilises copper and silver to filter and sanitise pool water while preventing algae growth.