No Drown Town promotes layers of protection

The Australian Swim Schools Association (ASSA) will be conducting the inaugural National No Drown Town Week from the 28 November – 4 December. With the week incorporating December 1 – the official start of Summer – media attention will be maximised.
The Week represents the start of the "soft" roll-out of ASSA’s No Drown Town initiative.
ASSA CEO Ross Gage says the No Drown Town concept is built around the idea of encouraging individuals and families to make their homes a No Drown Town, using the safer swimming layers of protection message to take care of those closest to them.
"This is about taking responsibility and is seen as the highest priority, associating it with the colour red,” he says.
Gage says the concept goes well beyond what each family does at home in their No Drown Town, their efforts can extend to the local community, their neighbourhood, school, and even council.
"This is connected with the colour blue, representing water in its various forms throughout the community, which is the focal point of the risk.
"In summary, this is Act Personally, Influence Locally, Affect Nationally. In the logo, the links are symbolic of those three layers of the community being connected and working together toward a No Drown Town ideal."
This week is also the official Water Safety Week in some jurisdictions, including Victoria and the NT.