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NSPI releases safety guide

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

After the Queensland Coroner published his report on the entrapment death of Amanda Boyce at a Noosa resort, the National Swimming Pool Institute of Australia (NSPI) began work on an Industry Advisory Guide.
The guide has now been released and is available for download from www.splasmagazine.com.au. This report raises several issues of liability risk for builders and service personnel. Barry Mulligan, the principal of Billabong Pool Service and Supplies, was instrumental in getting a Safety Committee together through SPASA Queensland.
The co-ordination and publication was taken over by NSPI when it became obvious that these hazards were not restricted solely to Queensland, but were concerns being raised in every state of Australia, New Zealand and the USA. NSPI has been working with APSA in the USA to develop International Agreements and Understandings on these hazards.
The objective of the exercise was to create industry awareness, and to foster concepts and techniques to identify and provide solutions for these hazards, particularly for existing facilities (that may have been built prior to any Standards being adopted). The guide doesn’t focus so much on the devices themselves, but more on the outcome. It was put together with input from a number of builders, national manufacturers, national service providers and consultants such as Don Bullock, who spoke at SPLASH! on this topic. 
Download the guide here.

By The Splash Team
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