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Participate now in the extended wage and salary survey to help industry's knowledge base

February 4th, 2019

The Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia (SPASA) has engaged an independent organisation, Business Benchmarking Solutions to undertake its inaugural national Wages and Salaries Survey for the swimming pool and spa industry.

Log in to the portal to commence.

The 2018 Wages & Salary Survey will provide decision makers with current salary and remuneration data and trends across the following Sectors:

• Retailer & Service

• Building Business & Subcontractor

• Supplier & Manufacturer

Purpose of the survey

Almost all companies, regardless of size, use as much market data as possible to inform all areas of operations. Sometimes, the amount that businesses pay employees or contractors is often a reflection of what they think others are paying or what they feel they are worth.

This is your opportunity to see and compare the ‘actual’ amounts being paid throughout the Swimming Pool and Spa Industry.

The SPASA 2018 Wages & Salary Survey will provide accurate amounts for industry sectors and based on a diverse range of factors.

It is free to participate

The survey will be available for purchase once published at the following rates:

Member/Contributor Price $99: Become a Contributor to the SPASA Wages & Salary Survey and save more for playing your part!

Non-member/Non-contributor $199: Alternatively, industry participants can purchase a copy of the SPASA Wages & Salary Survey once it is published.

Benefit of participation

• Benchmark wages/salaries/rates against the market rate

• Review employee benefits and reward programs

• Design competitive remuneration packages

• Understand where you stand relative to the rest of the industry

• Gives you evidence of industry standards for pay and incentive negotiations

• Reduce staff turnover

• Attract new employees

• Profile existing positions

What to do

Log in to the portal. 

Participation is free.

The SPASA Wages & Salaries Survey is an electronic only survey.

The 2018 Wages & Salary Survey will take you anywhere from 5 – 20 minutes based on the size and make up of your business.

Before you commence, make sure you locate or re-familiarise yourself with types of wages, salaries and contractor payments for your business.


Suzie Kent

SPASA Communication Manager


1300 021 482

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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