Perth show on a high as new owners take over

The final pool spa and outdoor consumer show for outgoing event organiser Roger Le Fort is his best yet, he says.
“It was honestly constant. People were queuing up from nine in the morning and peaked around 11 am to one. All the exhibitors were delighted. Three of the big pool builders said they had record sales at this show,” says Le Fort.
“The weather was perfect – it was a hot build up, getting people in the right frame of mind, but the day itself wasn’t too hot.
“This is my last show, and I’ve gone out on a high. The response from exhibitors has been overwhelming. The camaraderie is unique. No arguments – pool builders were helping each other as pools were coming in on the crane. It was extraordinary.”
The show will now be run by industry veterans Carol and Mark Harper.
Carol Harper says she and Mark are very excited and enthusiastic about their new venture.
“We sold our company’s Exclusive Pools & Commercial Aquatics (previously AVP Constructions) in July 2013, so we are very happy that we are still in the swimming pool industry but in a different role,” she says.
“The expo is a great fit for us as many people already know us in the industry and we’ve had great feedback and we’re confident we can ensure the expos will be as successful if not more so in the future.
“We’d like to thank Roger for creating such a great event that is respected throughout Australia. He is such a part of the Perth expos that we won’t let him go and there is still a role for him.”
For more information call Carol on 0418 930 498 or go to when the website is put up in a few weeks.
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