Pool and spa industry career pathways to get giant boost

In an important win for pool and spa industry career pathways, the skills service organisation Artibus has been commissioned by the federal Government to support a review of the pool and spa building and pool and spa service national trade qualifications.
SPASA CEO Lindsay McGrath says this is the outcome of years of advocacy work to promote the industry and seek recognition of the various trades.
“The agreement represents the single biggest opportunity for long term career development for the variety of skilled tradespeople within our industry,” says McGrath. “There aren’t too many opportunities in life to rewrite your trade and I would encourage all professionals to be involved in this project.”
He says there is a real need to improve national qualification outcomes for the current workforce and attract new entrants via traineeship or apprenticeship arrangements, including school-based apprenticeships. In this regard, SPASA has been working with Artibus to improve national qualifications for the pool building and pool service sectors.
Swimming pool and spa building and service Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are being formed to provide expert specialist advice and make recommendations on pool building and pool service qualifications.
The national qualifications under review include:
• Swimming Pool and Spa Building - Certificate IV
• Swimming Pool and Spa Service - Certificate IV
Click above links to view the terms of reference and complete the nomination form online.
Nominations close: April 18.
Why Nominate?
Have your say on national qualifications that affect the swimming pool and spa industry. TAGs provide guidance, feedback and advice to support the development and implementation of qualifications being revised.
• Contribute, identify and validate the current and future industry training needs;
• Provide guidance, feedback and advice to support content and structure of qualifications and skill sets;
• Provide guidance and advice on articulation, specialist tools, equipment, software and industry conditions;
• Identify emerging risks and advise on their prevention, mitigation and management.
Who can nominate?
TAGs may comprise of the following:
• Representatives of industry;
• Registered training organisations;
• Employee representative
• Other members may be included in the group as required.
Interested but not sure?
Peter Holland - SPASA Australia
M: 0414 005 033
Spiros Dassakis - SPASA Australia
M: 0449 065 841
Who is Artibus
Artibus Innovation has been commissioned by the Australian government to support the Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to look at skills training and qualifications for all kinds of occupations in the building and property industries.
As part of their role, Artibus speak to employers, workers, trainers, regulators, associations and other industry stakeholders. They explore current and anticipated skills needs, examine data on enrolments and outcomes, and make recommendations for change.