Pool and spa industry training needs Queenslander support

SPASA Training is seeking funding support for critical industry training. This will assist in industry workforce development, career path opportunities for new entrants, staff retention, industry professionalism and subsidising staff development costs for employers.
To achieve these goals, the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training has been approached to support the Certificate IV in Swimming Pool and Spa Building - CPC40808.
Part of the process requires SPASA to obtain support from Queensland employers. To this end, SPASA Australia is asking pool and spa industry employers to provide letters of support for the qualification, to help demonstrate employer and industry demand for the training.
SPASA has asked all Queensland-based employers to provide written support for the qualification via spiros@spasa.com.au.
Letters must be on company letterhead or via company email. To help put your support into a written form, SPASA has come up with a few suggestions of the types of comments that might be included, such as:
- “Our business has an urgent need to attract swimming pool and spa building trades people in order for our business to grow.”
- “The shortage of qualified staff (swimming pool and spa builder) means we are unable to take on any new work.”
- “We are unable to attract swimming pool and spa building new entrants due to competing trades that receive funding.”
- “Demand for swimming pools and spa is increasing at a level that is not in line with current workforce capabilities.”
- “Succession planning and career development is difficult for our niche industry without funding incentives.”
- “Accessing funding opportunities is important to our business in order to increase our professionalism, retain quality staff and provide career pathways to those people entering the industry.”
- “The importance of funding for the Cert. IV Swimming Pool and Spa Builder is vital in not only securing extra work, but also in ensuring the work that is currently being undertaken is of the highest quality.”
- “We are unable to quickly engage new swimming pool and spa builders when someone leaves our employ or retires.”
- “As a cyclical business, we always struggle to find swimming pool and spa builders.”
For further information call SPASA COO Spiros Dassakis on (02) 9630 6300 or email spiros@spasa.com.au.