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Pool builders targeted for safety audits

December 20th, 2011
Splash Magazine

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland is currently carrying out safety audits on pool builders.

NSPI Australia says that if a builder answers “no” to any of these questions below, then they are in a serious situation.

• Do you have a safe work method statement and/or safety management system?

• Do you have a reporting system in place for accidents or near misses?

• Do you have consultation processes in place for identifying and rectifying dangerous work practices?

• Do you know if all your trade contractors and plant operators have the appropriate licences?

• Do your employees, trade contractors and plant operators have their Blue/White Card?

• Do you undertake regular safety toolbox talks, and conduct safety induction for new employees?

For more information visit the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland website or call the Workplace Health and Safety Infoline on 12300 369 915.

You can also contact NSPI Australia for information on tailor-made work method statements and safety management systems specifically designed for the pool industry by emailing info@nspi.com.au or calling Grant Rangi on (07) 3252 6702.

It is also worth noting that the national harmonisation of workplace health and safety will apply from January 1, 2012.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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