Pool pumps in regulators’ sights

You have until September 16 to have your say on the E3 Consultation Paper which includes provisions for swimming pool pumps.
In December 2018, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council (‘Energy Council’) agreed to draft a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for certain electrical appliances to be demand response capable. It was also agreed that the South Australian Government would lead this piece of work under the Energy Equipment Efficiency (E3) Program. This builds on previous work undertaken by the E3 program. In 2014, AS/NZS 4755 Demand response capabilities and supporting technologies for electrical products was published. This suite of standards defines demand response modes for a number of technologies, including air conditioners, electric boosted hot water heaters and swimming pool pumps.
The South Australian Government on behalf of E3 has released a consultation paper. This work updates the modelling that was previously undertaken in 2013/14, quantifying energy network peak cost savings, as well as considering additional benefits that were not within the scope of the previous work. This includes (but is not limited to) demand response providing energy cost savings by better managing periods when the export of rooftop solar PV exceeds minimum energy demand.
Lindsay McGrath, SPASA CEO, says that SPASA’s has had lengthy involvement with this project for member benefit and protection. “With the support of a member technical committee, SPASA has worked for several years with the Department of Environment and Energy on the E3 program, Standards Australia EL058 committee in the update of the AS5102.1 standard. In this latest phase SPASA will continue to advocate for the industry’s view of best practice in regards to demand response.”
Click here to make a submission.
The Energy efficiency – NCC 2022
Meanwhile, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has been directed by the Building Ministers’ Forum to investigate possible changes to the National Construction Code’s (NCC) energy efficiency provisions, with a focus on residential buildings in the 2022 edition of the NCC.
The Energy efficiency – NCC 2022 and beyond scoping study outlines the approach to developing the NCC’s energy efficiency provisions with a particular focus on NCC 2022.
Options being considered for pool and spa pumps:
• Net Zero Regulated Energy (NZRE)
• Performance requirements which include annual energy use budget
• Efficiency of NCC regulated equipment
Contact: spiros@spasa.com.au