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Pool Ranger gets Naked in NSW

July 12th, 2020

Pool Ranger is now distributing the Naked Freshwater System in NSW.

Naked Pools director Darren Milne says that Pool Rangers’ success has always been based on the principle of supplying products which customers require, supported by a well organised delivery and support system.

“The team at Pool Ranger recognised that consumers are looking for healthier alternatives than traditional chlorine or salt chlorinated pools, and with one in three Aussies suffering from some kind of skin condition or asthma, a freshwater solution is the obvious choice,” he says.

Meanwhile, Naked has launched a new online and mobile friendly help centre.

“We’ve always prided ourselves on our customer support,” says Milne. “Even offering seven-day-a-week telephone support. Our business model has always been to work and support the trade, and then ultimately support the end-user on behalf of our customers, and I think our testimonials and Google reviews clearly reflect that.

“Now we have implemented our KnowledgeBase help centre powered by Zendesk to even further support our consumers. The help centre is designed to be easily searched and navigated to find clear and precise answers for consumers and builders from installation to ongoing management of their swimming pools.

“The next stage currently in development will be a native mobile app incorporating the support information along with some other cool features,” says Milne.

Website: https://naked-poolshelp.zendesk.com

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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