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Pool techs’ potential bonanza with rainwater tank maintenance

December 6th, 2011
Splash Magazine

Sydney Water has presented the results of its rainwater tank study – and they contain potential for the pool industry to pick up some new business.

In 2007, 21 per cent of all households had a rainwater tank. This number is expected to be much higher now – and to become increasingly higher because of state and local government requirements to install rainwater tanks for new buildings and additions – especially when those additions include swimming pools.

The recent study into rainwater tanks came up with one very interesting piece of information. While the tanks and associated systems are largely efficient in terms of water saved and energy used, that efficiency – especially energy efficiency – declines dramatically over time. The reason for this is poor or non-existent maintenance of filtration and pump systems associated with the tanks.

As pool technicians already have experience in both pump and filter maintenance (they are mainly cartridge filter systems), this epresents a new green field prospect for pool techs, especially as the number of rainwater tanks will continue to grow into the future.

The study results were presented at the National Water Week Stakeholder Forum at the Australian Technology Park.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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