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QuickLinks for SPLASH! April 2013 Edition 87

May 30th, 2013


A link to the ATO's employee/contractor tool.

Robyn Jorgensen from Griffith University has published the early-year-swim-interim-report-2012 on the beneficial effects of young children being taught to swim in a good swim school.

The New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has released a consultation paper:  making-pool-safety-easier-consultation-document.

In April, the South Australian Planning Minister John Rau released a discussion paper aimed at reviewing and improving laws concerning swimming pool safety: SA_pool_legislation_proposal

Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) forMandating ‘Smart Appliance’ Interfaces for Air Conditioners, Water Heaters and other Appliances: Smart-Appliance-Consultation-RIS. Or go to the Energy Rating Website.

Useful information on the civil and social participation of Australian Muslim women in Australian community life, based on case studies within local authorities: www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/a-multicultural-australia/national-action-plan/_attach/participation-muslim-women.pdf

Official website for the Burqini including how to stock it in your retail outlet: www.ahiida.com

Good resource websites for operators to find out more about the issues faced by Muslim women living in Australia: www.mwnna.org.au and www.australianmuslimwomen.org.au

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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