Read the latest SPLASH!: Edition 153 out now
April 29th, 2024

The latest digital version of SPLASH! is out now: read Edition 153 here online.
Creating a sense of belonging
The 2023 Professional of the Year discusses his journey into pool and landscape design, and looks into what’s in store for 2024.
The enduring role of pool suction cleaners
Suction cleaners sometimes get overlooked, but there are several good reasons why they are still popular with pool owners.
The trouble with asbestos in old pool surfaces
A pool renovator experienced in remediating and renovating old asbestos-laden Marblesheen pools reveals what worked and what didn’t.
The efficacy and handling of regenerative filter aids
We delve into why regenerative filtration is so efficient, and look into questions around handling the filter media.
The many benefits of automatic dosing technology
Veda Dante looks at the benefits of automatic dosing and sees what advances have been made and what further technological improvements are in store.

By Chris Maher
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