Solarwise brings manufacturing back to Australia

Solarwise has reversed the current trend, deciding to bring the manufacturing of its Miracle heat pump back to Australia.
Company development manager Chris Fitch says that now all Solarwise heat pumps are made in Australia.
“We have always made our Exclusive range here,” he says. “But the Miracles were getting made in China.”
He said that quality control was the main reason they brought them back onshore, as that is the best way to ensure the proper materials and processes were being adhered to.
“We can ensure a much higher quality if we make them here,” he says. “Sometimes with China you never know what you are going to get. They once gave us 204 stainless steel instead of 304 stainless steel and we had issues with rust and we had to replace the casings.
“In general, assuming you can do it a reasonable cost, it’s good to make your products here and offer people an Australian Made product.”
You can talk to Solarwise about the Miracle and other products at their stand at the SPLASH! Pool and Spa Trade Show on the Gold Coast at Jupiters on July 25 and 26.