SPASA launches free 12-week business training program

SPASA Australia has launched a webinar-based training program, which will be offered free to the entire pool and spa industry. The program will run for 12 weeks with the first webinar commencing on Tuesday April 14.
Lindsay McGrath, CEO of SPASA, says the aim is to prepare the industry’s business professionals so they are ready when the current crisis eases. [See video below]
“Covid-19 continues to be a challenging time for all of us,” he says. “What we know will determine how we survive this unprecedented event when it’s over.”
He says that is why SPASA Australia wants businesses to think ahead of the curve.
“We’ve developed a practical and dynamic program which provides students with the opportunity to register and undertake a range of webinar-based training programs covering business, sales, leadership and management.”
Each of the training programs provides students with a sample of learnings from each of SPASA’s nationally accredited business qualifications.
“Best of all, the webinar-based training programs are free of charge. What better way for SPASA Australia to invest in the industry than to better prepare pool and spa businesses for when the world and trading conditions return to normal,” he says.
SPASA Training will deliver the 12 training webinars over a 12-week period across all six of SPASA’s business qualifications, acting as an introduction to the modules. Each webinar is 60 minutes in duration and will canvass all major points covered in the units of competency within each of the business qualifications.
The webinar-based training programs will take place on each Tuesday across the 12 weeks.
Webinar dates
14 April - Customers First - How to bring this to life?
21 April - Workplace leadership – how do leaders get their message across?
28 April - Plan to win - Where to start with Small Business Planning?
5 May - Recruiting the right team for your business - the X Factor
12 May - Intelligence v emotional intelligence – what is right for leaders of tomorrow?
19 May - How to market the business to stay in business
26 May - The Clear Sales Pitch - Presenting solutions to sell more
2 June - Is your team effective? How to lead for results
9 June - Progressing beyond the start line - Revisit & refine your business
16 June - The Importance of Timing - Identifying trends to stay ahead of the pack
23 June - Leading your team into developing and managing workplace relationships
30 June - How & where to find your potential customers?
Click here to register
While the webinars have been designed so any employee or manager can benefit, they are especially geared towards sales managers, building contractors, frontline sales teams, retailers, office sales teams, service and field technicians, team leaders, landscapers, managers and supervisors, subcontractors, administrators, consultants, warehouse logistic teams and manufacturing teams.
On completion, students will be given a certificate of participation for each of the webinar-based training programs they attend and complete. Students who wish to work towards a nationally accredited qualification after completing the webinar-based training programs can do so by separate enrolment and will receive a 20 per cent discount off any business qualification.
Nationally accredited business qualifications include:
• BSB40615 Certificate IV in Business Sales
• BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business
• BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership & Management
• BSB42518 Certificate IV in Small Business Management
• BSB50215 Diploma of Business
• BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management
For more information call toll free 1800 802 482, or email