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SPASA NSW & ACT to merge with SPASA Australia

October 26th, 2016

SPASA AustraliaSPASA NSW & ACT members voted overwhelmingly to merge with SPASA Australia at the general meeting held on October 26.

As many as 97 per cent of members who voted on the Special Resolution voted in favour of industry unification.

The resolution carried was:

“To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a special resolution:

a) Proceed with the integration of SPASA NSW & ACT into SPASA Australia; and

b) Transfer NSW & ACT undertakings and surplus assets to SPASA Australia and sign all documents and perform all acts as may be required to achieve this”.

SPASA president Robert Guthrie says that the decision to merge will futureproof the industry by bringing together the unique strengths of each association along with a diverse skills base to deliver new member benefits and services driven by advanced data and analytics.

"The board and I believe this merger reinforces our commitment to enhancing our united strategic plan,” he says.

“This is a historic step,” says Spiros Dassakis, CEO of SPASA. “Today’s announcement is the exciting next chapter for SPASA, bringing together leaders of industry with a shared mission of improving how we lobby, regulate, create more sales for members and provide better outcomes.”

Dassakis says members will start to see a lot of positive engagement in the next few months as the formalities of the merger progress.

The diversity of member voting is reflected in the percentages below:

- Pool and Spa Building 27%

- Pool and Spa Retail/Service 25%

- Supplier/Manufacturer 34%

- Other sectors combined 14%

In April SPASA South Australia members voted to continue towards unification.

SPASA Queensland voted in favour of the merger process at their 2014 AGM, with the resolution that SPASA Queensland operations transition into SPASA Australia and that SPASA Queensland de-incorporate by 1st of January 2017, or earlier.

A Special General Meeting will be held Wednesday 23rd November to vote on winding-up SPASA Queensland, transferring surplus assets to SPASA Australia and to operate as the SPASA Australia Queensland Region.

The SPASA WA Committee have agreed to participate as an ongoing member of SPASA Australia for a period of two years commencing on the 1st January 2017. The membership will include a financial contribution to assist SPASA Australia establish an effective national association that will be dedicated to maintaining and improving the standards and growth within the swimming pool and spa industry for the betterment of members, consumers and the industry in general. SPASA WA has secured a Board position as a regional representative and will continue with an active involvement into the strategic direction of the national body.

SPASA Victoria decided not to pursue unification last year.

There will be more on this story in the December printed issue of SPLASH!

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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