SPLASH Magazine
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SPLASH! is here for you

March 25th, 2020

To all our valued partners, readers and supporters: we’re not going anywhere.

We are in troubling times and many people are worried. Worry comes from not knowing what lies around the corner and fearing the worst. We can’t pretend it’s going to be business as usual, but at SPLASH! we promise to bring you the news that affects our industry in the most timely manner, and relay ideas and advice that can help improve your prospects and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Things move fast nowadays, and to that end, we suggest you subscribe to our Facebook page, where we will upload information in between newsletter and magazine publication dates.

It has often been expressed that this industry is more like a community sometimes, and that community spirit has never been needed more than now. If you have ideas or information that can be of help to others in the industry, please relay them through SPLASH!. The best way is to email them to Chris Maher.

Of course, this includes ways your business might be facing the challenge of working in the era of social distancing. In this newsletter we actually have a story about how one network has instigated a no-contact testing service, and another link to free online training on selling during the lockdown.

At the same time, we are keen to keep information channels open between suppliers and industry members. So please let us know about your new products, your plans for the future and your achievements. Contact either Chris Maher or David Stennett and we’ll help get that information out to the right people, through one of our many channels.

Together we can get through this difficult time and come out the other end stronger and more resilient than ever.

Editor: Chris Maher

Sales: David Stennett

A final note: as digital communication will be increasingly important over this time, please ensure you subscribe to the electronic newsletter and if you know someone who only gets the print version of the magazine, please forward them this free newsletter subscription link.

As mentioned above, to keep in best contact please follow the Facebook page – and you can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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