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SPLASH! NZ keeps growing

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

The Kiwi pool and spa industry got its second chance to SPLASH!

Once again, the SPLASH! crew ventured across the Tasman to hold the SPLASH! New Zealand Pool and Spa Trade Show.

This time, the event was 25 per cent bigger – now 500 square metres in total floor space covering two floors of the Auckland Hilton.

Almost exactly the same number of people came to the show as in 2007 (558 compared with 560). There was plenty for the visitors to see, but with the extra space, they could do it at a more leisurely pace, and there was more room to wander around.

The seminars were well attended and were more spacious thanks to the banquet style seating arrangements. As well as the seminars, the NSPI ran a pre-show workshop, and the New Zealand Master Pool Builders Guild held their AGM at SPLASH!

Simon Cooper, organiser of SPLASH! New Zealand, says he was very pleased with the event.

“Now that we’ve come across the Tasman for second time, we’ve become part of the New Zealand pool and spa landscape. The show was bigger than 2007 and we had the same number of visitors. I think it shows there is definitely scope in this market for a bi-annual event, and we’ll be holding the next SPLASH! New Zealand on July 27 and 28, 2011.

“I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the sponsors, AstralPool, Filtermaster, Ascon and BioGuard. Without their support, the event couldn’t have happened.”

The next Australian SPLASH! trade show will be on the Gold Coast on July 28 and 29, 2010.

By The Splash Team
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