Swimming pool builders test purpose-built project management platform

Pool industry contractors have a new way to manage their projects thanks to the Pooltrac platform designed by SPASA.
The new online digital contract management platform is being released for self-training by SPASA members and also to facilitate template development. The initial release has been made in Queensland and will be shortly followed by beta testing in New South Wales and South Australia.
One of the testing contractors, Danica Vansleve of Norfolk Pools, says that Pooltrac will make contract preparation and execution easier, saving time and money in the process.
"It will be great for clients to sign documents electronically, without the hassle of face-to-face meetings. Also, the ability to upload documents and images on-site, with online access to everything in one location, is also a winner. I can see everything in the one place whether it be via the website, email or Dropbox.”
Templates can lock-in certain provisions, such as regularly used equipment etc, or you can create various documents based on pre-determined project parameters e.g. installers of FRP pools might have a separate template for each model in their range. Whether you have one or many, a template will save you time preparing each project contract.
Improved time management
Another contractor, Dan Gibbs of Jagun Pools + Landscapes, says the main benefit he sees in using a digital contract management system is time management.
"It's so much quicker to email contracts and related documents to clients than to post or visit. You can easily add up the minutes and put a dollar value on the time saved. This can add up to a substantial amount over the year."
Pooltrac streamlines client communications using email and digital storage and will help members keep on top of their contractual requirements. From the contract document itself to the mark-out, variations and extension-of-time forms, photographs and the certificate of practical completion, contractors can store and locate everything easily in one place.
SPASA director, Andrew Jakovac of Majestic Pools and Landscapes, says that Pooltrac has been designed to be a fully integrated contract management system that allows pool builders to manage all of their SPASA developed contract processes simply in an online environment that keeps all relevant information together.
“Aspects like commencement notices, variations, extensions of time, completion certificates etc can be managed in one place, and you can upload photos and other PDFs so field staff have instant access to them,” he says.