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Tips for keeping pools healthy during La Nina's rainy weather

October 21st, 2020

By Eddie Lloyd

Theralux marketing director

The Bureau of Meteorology has announced that La Nina is active, bringing with it a dramatic change to our summer weather and a lot more rain. According to Andrew Watkins, the Bureau of Meteorology’s manager of climate operations, heatwaves may be less extreme as a result of La Nina, but they may last for longer and be a little more uncomfortable, with higher humidity and slower-moving weather systems.

More cyclones are also likely, with Yasi appearing in a La Nina year. So with long, humid heatwaves on the horizon, our pools are going to be getting a workout.

While there’s nothing better than a swim in your very own pool to cool off, it is important to understand that warm, wet weather can play havoc with your water quality. With a La Nina event we would expect to see fluctuating weather such as cooler temperatures one day, wind and storms the next, and humid, hot weather the day after. This makes it even harder for pool owners to keep on top of their pool chemistry.


Here is how pool owners can keep their pool healthy and ready for swimming during a warm, wet summer:

1. Avoid water levels in the pool from getting too high to keep proper skimming action, and to avoid contamination from water washing in from the pool deck/surrounds.

2. Rain brings contaminants with it so ensure your filter and pump are maintained well and in good working order. Check and clean your equipment weekly and operate the filtration system for at least six to eight hours per day. A good idea would be to run a quick, natural filter cleaner through the filter prior to the summer season.

3. Check the water balancing parameters/water chemistry of the pool every two days and adjust accordingly. Pay particular attention after a period of heavy use, a very hot day or following heavy rain which can all affect all chemistry/water balancing levels.

4. Use the theory “prevention is better than cure”. It will save you time and money in the long run. Ideally, your regular maintenance should include doses of algaecides and phosphate removers to help keep the pool healthy and clear.

5. Vacuum and scoop the pool regularly to remove any debris washed into the pool by wind or rain.

6. Specialists should give the pool a check-up before and after heavy-use or heavy rain. Or take a sample from elbow-deep in the pool and take it to your local pool store for testing.

7. Before a storm, secure any toys, furniture or equipment that could become airborne in high winds.

8. Consider a magnesium mineral pool system with photocatalytic AOP, which will help the pool remain clearer and more stable for longer periods as well as providing some added health benefits.

Contact: www.theralux.com.au.

CAPTION: La Nina is coming and it’s likely to bring rain with it

By Chris Maher
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