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Tony Sharpe & Cliff Cooke hit the Kokoda trail to support Soldier On...

January 25th, 2017


Hayward® Pool Products Australia Managing Director Tony Sharpe and Cooke Industries Managing Director Cliff Cooke together will be completing the Kokoda Trek back to back to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Kokoda Trail Campaign. From April 11 to April 24, 2017 they will complete the 192km return journey to raise money for our ex-service men and women.

Supporting Soldier On Logo_Colour

Tony and Cliff completed the hike one way in 2014 and have come to understand that only when you complete the trek do you gain a glimmer of an understanding of what the Australian Soldiers endured in defending Australia and the way of life we enjoy.

Recently hearing reports of what our modern day heroes often suffer during their tours of duty in the Middle East and elsewhere, as well as the recovery from PTSD and physical injuries Tony and Cliff decided that they would like to do something to raise awareness and funds to support these modern day heroes.


The opportunity came up to complete the Trek again this year, but in order to increase the challenge and raise awareness they are joining a small number of other Australians to complete the Trek one way from Owens Corner (Near Port Moresby) to Kokoda, then immediately turning around and Trekking from Kokoda to Ower’s Corner. While we cannot come close to understanding what a Soldier today, or of 75 years ago would endure this is a small way of showing some appreciation and understanding.

Visiting the Australian war cemetery in Port Moresby where over 3500 Australians are buried is one of the most moving experiences for any Australian. At the end of the 13 day return Trek, Tony and Cliff will attend the Anzac day service at the Cemetery to pay respects to the fallen of all wars.

The guides for the Trip are descendants of the original Fuzzy Wuzzies, with group leaders from ProSport Health and Fitness and No Roads Adventures.

Hayward® is aiming to raise between $10,000- $20,000 for the charity Soldier On to help men and women physically and psychologically affected by their service.

All funds raised will go directly to Soldier on, there are two ways to contribute:

You can help by purchasing a Navigator® V-Flex™ from Hayward® Pool Products Australia during February-April, where Hayward® will automatically make a donation on your behalf.

or you can make a private donation to Soldier On by following the link: http://bit.ly/2jX0buj

Capture2We thank those who have helped in preparing us for this trek, ProSport Health and Fitness

(www.prosport.net.au) and Kimekai MMA. (www.kimekaimma.com)


By The Splash Team
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