WA Health seeks feedback on aquatic facilities review

The Environmental Health Directorate of Health WA is asking for feedback on two regulation review projects that are currently open for consultation.
It is particularly interested in the opinion of local governments in Western Australia.
Aquatic facilities review - closes 30 November 2018
The Management of the public health risks associated with aquatic facilities in Western Australia Discussion Paper (PDF 1MB) explores three options:
• Option A: Retain the status quo, that is, replace the current regulation of the Aquatic Facilities industry with equivalent regulation, as far as practicable, under the Public Health Act 2016
• Option B: Repeal the existing regulations without replacement and allow the industry to self-regulate
• Option C: Develop Aquatic Facilities Regulations in accordance with the Public Health Act 2016 regulatory framework and continue to adopt the Code of Practice for the Design, Construction, Operation, Management and Maintenance of Aquatic Facilities with amendments. The paper asks stakeholders to consider potential updates to the Code of Practice.
Stakeholders are asked to read the Discussion Paper (PDF 1MB) and provide feedback in the online survey. You can read the survey questions prior to completing the online survey.
Public buildings - closes 17 January 2019
The Managing public health risks in public buildings in Western Australia discussion paper (PDF 2MB) explores how the risks associated with public building operation should be managed into the future, with two options considered:
• Option A: Take no action - repeal the existing regulations without replacement and allow the industry to self-regulate.
• Option B: Provide new, updated public buildings regulations under the Public Health Act 2016. Nine proposals for new regulations are detailed.
Stakeholders are asked to read the Discussion Paper (PDF 2MB) and provide feedback through the online survey. You can read the survey questions (PDF 500KB) prior to completing the online survey (external site).
Details of all regulation review projects can be viewed on the Department of Health website.