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Watkins appointed to CPSISC committee

May 16th, 2013


Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Victoria CEO Brendan Watkins has been appointed to the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CIAC) of the Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC).

CPSISC develops and promotes national training standards and qualifications and CIAC is one of two committees that advises the board. The other is the Property Services Industry Advisory Committee (PIAC) which includes Greg Every from SPRAA.

The recent development of the Certificate III and Certificate IV qualifications for pool and spa service technicians went through the development process at CPSISC.

The skills council is also charged with encouraging quality training and highlighting career pathways for the industries under its auspices, and to provide advice and assistance to companies and RTOs on the use of national standards and qualifications.

CPSISC works with industry to identify training needs and priorities and to influence the allocation of training places through Skills Australia; and to influence government policy, priorities and regulatory arrangements (including occupational licensing) and build a quality training culture in the industries.

Watkins says that the swimming pool and spa industry requires transferable qualifications that will eventually become career pathways for aspiring pool builders and technicians.

"A seat on the committee provides SPASA Australia input to forming a meaningful curriculum for practitioners across the county," he says. "There are some concerns about the current curriculum being focused more on general building and not addressing the unique aspects of the pool and spa industry. It’s a great opportunity to ensure we end up with a worthwhile and meaningful course when it’s eventually enshrined as mandatory across Australia."

This is a SPASA Australia appointment, and a seat on the committee had previously been held by Cal Stanley when he was involved in SPASA WA and SPASA Australia. No announcement has yet been made about the appointment of a new SPASA Australia manager.

Meanwhile, Traxion Training is also collaborating with CPSISC and SPASA Queensland to help industry professionals have their existing skills recognised with a national qualification.

For more information on the CPSISC appointment call Brendan Watkins on (03) 9501 2040.

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By Chris Maher
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