Wavegarden technology behind new Urbnsurf water park in Melbourne

In Edition 104 of the printed version of SPLASH! we highlighted the possibility of the Subiaco Oval site in Perth being turned into a Wavegarden surf park, utilising the wave generating technology currently in use at Surf Snowdownia in Wales and being developed in another park in Austin Texas.
Now, the Perth-based Wave Park Group has announced an $18.5 million, 30-year lease of a seven-hectare site on Airport Drive in the Melbourne airport suburb of Tullamarine.
Construction is scheduled to begin later in 2016 with a plan to open by the end of 2017.
There is still an AFL connection (the Perth project plans to include an AFL Hall of Fame) as the site is opposite the headquarters of Australian Rules football club Essendon.
Called Urbnsurf Melbourne, it will be the first man-made surf park facility in Australia. With a north-south lagoon orientation, Urbnsurf Melbourne has been designed to suit prevailing winds, with one side of the lagoon always delivering offshore waves. LED lagoon lighting means surfers can take to the waves both night and day.
“The beauty of the Wavegarden technology is that it can accommodate in separate zones the needs of all surfers,” says Wave Park Group founder and executive chairman, Andrew Ross.
“That’s from the smallest groms and those starting out, through to the high performance training requirements of elite surfing athletes. Waves will range from 1.9m high, 32-second long, pitching waves designed for the highest levels of performance surfing, down to 0.6m high, rolling white-water waves, which are ideal for beginner surfers,” he says.
Waves will form cleanly and break with constant power and shape throughout the ride, which will be the equivalent to riding high-quality, ocean-based waves of similar sizes.
He says that Melbourne’s 200,000 or so surfers will be able to enjoy longer and better quality rides than can usually be found at many of Victoria’s most popular breaks.
There will be multiple lagoon-side amenities such as a licensed café, a fully equipped pro-shop and a wetsuit and board rental centre. An Academy will host training programs for all levels of surfing, from beginner to elite as well as a range of surf-fit styled personal and group fitness programs.
There are also plans for beach cabanas, skate ramps, playgrounds, rock-climbing, mountain bike pump tracks, a climbing wall, parkour trail, bouldering course and other lifestyle sport opportunities.
Ross says the development will generate more than 300 jobs during the construction phase, and another 45 full time positions will be created in the park when it opens. He also estimates more than $267 million in gross economic contribution will be injected into the Melbourne region over the project life.
Victoria’s Minister for Tourism John Eren says this will be a great attraction that will shore up Victoria’s status as a world-class destination for visitors.
A master plan and preliminary design for Urbnsurf Melbourne has been delivered and planning approval was received for the project in March 2016.
Detailed design activities will commence in mid-2016, with construction scheduled to begin in late 2016. Construction and commissioning activities will take the better part of a year, with Urbnsurf Melbourne due to open to guests in late 2017.
Ross says there are well-progressed plans for additional Urbnsurf facilities around Australia which will be announced in the near future.