Win a copy of the AquaTekture Showcase

This year’s AquaTekture Showcase is bigger and better than all before. Celebrating the GAVA (Global AquaTekture Visionary Awards) winners in a hard cover, glossy coffee table book.
The illustrative book features 66 GAVA-winning projects for pool, spa and water designs by artisans from across the globe.
The fourth annual water-inspired design competition lured architects, interior designers, builders, and designers from across the globe to share their projects in the hopes of earning a GAVA. It showcases designs and constructions from US ranches to inner urban areas, from Australian beachfronts to Portuguese villas.
This and 5000 Schiffer other titles can be purchased at
Win a copy
SPLASH! has a copy of the AquaTekture showcase to giveaway. To enter the competition simply email SPLASH! and include your name, address and the answer to this question: how many projects are in the new AquaTekture Showcase. The first correct email received AFTER 12 noon AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on Wednesday August 7, 2013 will receive the copy of the book. Entries from Australia and New Zealand only please. Follow @SPLASHmagonline on Twitter and we’ll send a reminder just before it’s time to send the email.
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