Zodiac takes Titanium members to Langkawi for work and fun

Zodiac Australia held its sixth annual Titanium Conference in Langkawi, Malaysia in June, with 120 delegates attending, representing more than 65 Zodiac Titanium businesses from the pool and spa industry.
Held over three days, the conference was a balance of business and pleasure where members had the opportunity to network with like-minded peers and with Zodiac staff to prepare themselves for the next season. The conference concluded with a gala awards night to recognise those longstanding members and supporters of the group.
Langkawi is located in the picturesque Andaman Sea off the Malaysian peninsula. Delegates enjoyed the idyllic island landscape, surrounded by rainforest and abundant native wildlife.
Zodiac Titanium is a growing network of independent Australian pool professionals comprising of retailers, builders and service technicians who partner with Zodiac to gain profitable outcomes for their businesses by achieving positive outcomes for their customers.