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Another new association formed

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

An association of pool and spa cover manufacturers has been formed, with one of their stated aims being to identify minimum manufacturing and design criteria for Australian covers.

The Pool and Spa Cover Association of Australia (PASCAA) is insisting that everyone who joins the association must strictly adhere to PASCAA standards. PASCAA minimum product standards are being reviewed and adopted by a number or State and national departments.

John Webb from Elite Pool Covers is the inaugural PASCAA President, Derek Prince of Daisy Pool Covers is Vice President, and Theo Haaima of ABGAL is the Secretary and Treasurer.

“We want to ensure that consumers know the difference between a PASCAA-approved cover and flimsy bubble wrap pretending to be the real thing,” Webb says.

“At present, there is no uniform standard that distinguishes a poor quality bubble blanket from a high quality, high tech and long-lasting cover. Our Association’s positioning statement is that our products are made for Australia. A lot of other pool covers on the market will not stand up to Australia’s harsh climate,” he says.

“At the moment consumers can recognise in the price difference but not the quality. We want the consumer to have a full understanding of the choices. The poorer quality products have been riding the coat-tails of our higher quality reputation. Unless we alert the consumer we will join the race to the bottom for price and sacrifice quality.”

For more information about PASCAA email info@pascaa.com.au.

By The Splash Team
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