Australasia's top eco-friendly pools
October 20th, 2010

The first national Environmental Awards for the swimming pool industry have been presented at a gala dinner on the Gold Coast by SPLASH! magazine, as part of SPLASH! Week.
The results were:
The results were:
Residential Environmental Award (Sponsored by Foundation Sponsor, Sunbather)
Winner: Aquastone
Finalist: Out from the Blue
Commercial Environmental Award (Sponsored by Sancell)
Indoor Pool Award: Harry Seidler and Associates
Outdoor Pool Award: SSL
Pool Shop Award (Sponsored by Pentair)
Highly Commended: Poolside Frankston
Entries for the awards were received from every state in Australia and also from New Zealand.
“We were very excited at the quality of the entries,” says SPLASH! Publisher, Simon Cooper. “The aim of these awards was to celebrate and encourage environmental swimming pool design and construction. If our industry is to thrive in these tough times, we need to show the community that we take this issue seriously, and that we are on top of both the perceived and real challenges associated with it.
“There’s no point in hoping the issues of water and energy conservation will go away, because they won’t,” he says. “As we can see from the highest levels of government, both water and energy are going to become more expensive and are likely to become more highly regulated in the future. The SPLASH! Environmental Awards is one way of encouraging solutions, and acknowledging those businesses trying to overcome those challenges.”
Many Australasian innovations were featured in the projects entered in the Awards, and a high degree of creative thought by local designers, architects and builders was also evident. Cooper thanked the judges, who were experts in their fields, including Julian Gray, CEO, Smart Approved WaterMark; David Hallet, General Manager, Archicentre; Peter Seebacher, Australian Greenhouse Office; and Alan Lewis, Pool Consultant, Aquazure; as well as the SPLASH! editor, Chris Maher, who facilitated the judging process.
He also pointed out that the awards would not have been possible without the support of the sponsors, including Foundation Sponsor, Sunbather (who was involved with the Awards from the very beginning), Pentair and Sancell.
For more info click here.
By The Splash Team
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