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Cogeneration plant mooted for Sydney pool

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

Prince Alfred Park pool could be the first city pool to actually double-dip by using its energy twice.
Sydney City could soon be producing electricity at Prince Alfred Park, heating the pool water, slashing greenhouse gas emissions and selling excess electricity to nearby buildings, under a proposal being investigated by the council.
Under the plan, a cogeneration plant would be installed at the park as part of a comprehensive pool and park upgrade. The cogeneration unit will turn natural gas into electricity to power the pool buildings and park lights, while the heat produced during this process is captured and used to heat the pool water. The council says that the cogeneration proposal would generate 89,520 kg of C02 emissions per annum, which is one ninth the 787,253 kg of C02 emissions produced annually by a standard electric heat pump.

The council is expected to call for tenders for the landscaping works for Prince Alfred Park in early 2009 with the work to commence mid-year. If the cogeneration proposal proceeds, landscape works on Prince Alfred Park may not start until late 2009 to allow the plant to be installed.

By The Splash Team
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