Does your electrical equipment comply with the safety requirements?

The Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) aims to increase consumer safety through regulating household electrical equipment. Affected “in-scope” equipment includes equipment that is:
• rated at a voltage greater than 50 V AC RMS or 120V ripple-free DC; and
• rated at a voltage less than 1000V AC RMS or 1500V ripple-free DC; and
• is designed or marketed as suitable for household, personal or similar use.
Selling electrical equipment in Australia
The Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) is a framework that regulates the supply chain of in-scope electrical equipment (low voltage equipment for household, personal or similar use). The purpose of the framework is to increase safety of electrical equipment for the consumer.
In Australia, legislation which governs the supply chain is state based. Each jurisdiction can make an independent decision to adopt the framework. Recognised in Australia and New Zealand as a way for suppliers to meet legislative requirements, the EESS is expected to be adopted by most jurisdictions.
To legally sell in-scope electrical equipment under the EESS, Responsible Suppliers (on-shore manufacturer or importer) must meet all the requirements of the EESS, including:
• That the electrical equipment offered for sale is categorised as risk Level 1, 2 or 3 and is electrically safe.
• Ensuring that any in-scope risk level (Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3) electronic equipment offered for sale meets the safety requirements of the EESS (including the Equipment Safety Rules).
• The Responsible Supplier and any in-scope electrical equipment offered for sale are correspondingly registered.
• Pay all corresponding registration fees.
• The product is marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) in accordance with the requirements listed in AS/NZS 4417.1 & AS/NZS 4417.2.
Swimming pool/spa equipment
A feature of the EESS is the provision of a more proactive risk-based approach to regulating electrical equipment. The EESS provides for in-scope electrical equipment to be classified into three levels.
Swimming pool equipment is covered under Risk level 3:
An electrical appliance or device that –
1. is a transportable spa pool or transportable spa bath; or
2. is for circulating air or water in a conventional bath; or
3. is for use in the operation or cleaning of a swimming pool, non-transportable spa-pool or non-transportable spa-bath.
but does not include –
4. an appliance or device exclusively promoted for commercial use; or
5. a heat pump.
To sell any In-scope electrical equipment, Responsible Suppliers must be registered on the EESS Registration Database. Level 2 and 3 In-scope electrical equipment must be registered.
The Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) has changed the marking requirements to a single Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM). The authorisation to apply the RCM resides with the Responsible Supplier.
Upon registration, the Responsible Supplier is granted authorisation to place the RCM on the product for sale. The certificate holder is no longer required to mark the unique approval number issued by the Regulatory Authority or the Recognised External Certification Scheme.
IMAGE: The RCM mark will be the symbol used to show the equipment is linked to a responsible supplier