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Gas crisis cools WA pools

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

Western Australia lost 30 per cent of its gas supply following an explosion at the Varanus Island hub in June. While the facility has since been repaired, full production is not due to be returned until December at the earliest.
This has led to a gas shortage at many heated aquatic centres in the west. In response, the Leisure Institute of Western Australia (LIWA) developed a schedule for facility managers to minimise gas usage within their centres.
At present, most centres are at Level One, which includes reducing water temperature to minimum levels, maximising use of heat blankets, reducing hot water temperatures in change rooms, reducing air temperatures and maximising the use of natural light. Various pools are using different methods/restrictions to minimise their overall usage.
For example, the Beatty Park Leisure Centre has opted to: 1. Close the outdoor 5m deep diving pool and leave the thermal covers on; 2. Reduce the shower temperature by 3.5 degrees; 3. Reduce the indoor air temperature by 1.5 degrees; 4. Reduce the 50m outdoor pool temperature by 2 degrees; 5. As well as reducing overall lighting throughout the centre as the state electricity supply was being affected by the gas crisis, with regards to turbine gas supply.
Levels Two and Three are seen to be last resorts and include limiting open times and access, cancelling targeted programs and diverting services to the nearest open facility. For more information, email Jeff Fondacaro at jeff.fondacaro@vincent.wa.gov.au.

By The Splash Team
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