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iPool international online pool competition open for entries

June 5th, 2012
Splash Magazine

European pool industry title, EuroSpaPoolNews, has established an international pool photo competition called iPool 2012, which will run from March 30th to July 31st 2012.

The contest is open to pool professionals by going to www.eurospapoolnews.com/concours.

Professional pool builders are invited to upload their most beautiful photos of private outdoor swimming pools (up to five different projects). All pictures will undergo a pre-selection process carried out by the editorial team at EuroSpaPoolNews.com, followed by a period to July 31st 2012 in which the online audience can vote for their favourite photo.

Judging criteria mainly consist of aesthetics and pool enhancements. Photographs that do not comply with contest rules and regulations will be withdrawn.

How to enter:

1) Go to www.eurospapoolnews.com/concours.

2) Create your account and follow the instructions.

3) Publish up to five photos of your most beautiful outdoor pool creations

4) Spread the news to all your contacts and collect votes.

The photo contest is exclusive to pool professionals: builders, pool installers, landscape gardeners, architects, designers etc. You are invited to encourage your whole network – clientele, suppliers, partners, friends and family – to vote for their favourite photos. A voter may only vote once per picture.

The contest is international and will be published in eight languages online and in print.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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