Modular ipool technology

Setting new standards for swimming pool construction systems.
The game has changed, Modular swimming pool construction methods have been in the same place for decades, metal walls, pool tops and frames that were designed to rust.
It has been almost 20 years since companies like Champion Pools, Pool-Fab, Modular pools, Cascade pools, were active within the Construction area of the pool Industry.
Over this period, the swimming pool market has settled for either a metal made above ground pool/ in-ground or of late a treaded pine log pool, and either choice has its limitations.
Today is the beginning of a new era in modular swimming pool construction systems. MiPT has developed a unique swimming pool and water tank building system, it boasts a method of construction unequaled within the industry. A pool system that is not only self supporting, but thermal and with benefits that will satisfy the most astute purchaser.
The iPool system comes with extras like waterfalls that are built & designed within the kit, its not something you have to construct after the pool is built it is a part of it, a swimming pool system that bears a large proportion of ECO benefits, in fact with these benefits this particular system is the only one of kind.
The swimming pool market is changing not only from within the Industry, but as a purchaser, it’s at this point that has made the biggest change. People today not only want all the bells & whistles when they make a purchase, but they demand it. It’s here that the iPool system stands alone it gives the purchaser a broad choice, a choice that equals extras that can only be found in a concrete pool, but at a fraction of the price.
T: 9755 1812