Network Ten gets it wrong on simazine

The latest example of sensational media reporting at the expense of the swimming pool industry occurred during May, with a general scare that children were in danger from simazine.
SPLASH! ran an article on simazine in the February issue (it is also available here). It is an issue SPLASH! will revisit, given the fact that the APVMA is now reviewing the chemical, following lobbying from the Friends of the Earth. However, SPLASH! will look at both sides of the story, and try to provide as clear a picture as possible.
The issue of simazine-based algaecides in swimming pools is reasonably complex – with the waters muddied somewhat by the fact it is also used in higher concentrations for agriculture, where it has been feared it would enter the groundwater and hence the drinking water.
The Network 10 news story on simazine focussed on the lingering shots of the “skull’s head” poison warning, and the word “algaecide”. However, none of the pool products they showed in their piece actually included simazine!
The news article showed Lo-Chlor algaecides LCC, Miraclear and Tropiclear – despite the fact that no Lo-Chlor products contain simazine. The camera even surveyed the name of the active constituent in Maxi Floc Plus – polyaluminium chloride complex – without the producers becoming aware that these products weren’t simazine-based. Lo-Chlor had a spate of calls from confused customers and protested to Network 10. The newsreader apologised on air the next day.