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Retailers form new association

October 20th, 2010
Splash Magazine

The formation of the Swimming Pool Retail Association of Australia (SPRAA) has been led by franchise networks PoolWerx, Swimart, Poolside and Clark Rubber.

Peter Barr of PoolWerx is the inaugural President, the Vice President is Simon Isherwood of Neptune’s Pool Care, the Treasurer is Robert Millard of BioGuard Poolside and the Secretary is Therese Nolan of Swimart Pool and Spa Services Capalaba.

Other board members are Chris Fitzmaurice (Swimart Pool and Spa Services), Luke Gervais (Rode Pool Services), John Hudson (E-Zee Pool & Spa Pty Ltd) and Gary Nye (Clark Rubber).

Barr says that the body was established to meet the specific needs of pool and spa retailers and field service technicians including the increasing demand for more relevant and appropriate training in the pool and spa aftermarket retail sector.

He says SPRAA was started because he and others in the retail sector didn’t believe that the government fully understands what pool industry retailers do. This confusion, he says, led them to have only one pathway for retailers to become licensed in Queensland, which Barr says was expensive and included many skills not required by retailers and maintenance technicians.

“We need to have representation on the licensing side that covers exactly what we do,” Barr says. “Because the licensing doesn’t fit the criteria for what we do – we don’t pave or lay bricks, but in Queensland that’s what they say we have to do.”

Barr says SPRAA will be putting in place training pathways to have recognition of prior learning (RPL) through an external registered training organisation (RTO), S/T Construction Techniques.

SPRAA has also been brought into existence with the aim of lobbying government on licensing and occupational health and safety (OH&S) issues.

“There are different issues all around the country. For example, the South Australian government has now deemed the filter to be part of the building,” says Barr. “And we all know OHS is becoming a minefield, and it changes in every State. We’ve found that government doesn’t have a full understanding of what retailers and technicians do. It’s important, especially if licensing becomes national.

“We’ve worked with government to achieve a pathway outside of PoolWerx and Clark Rubber, and have an approved course in Queensland to gain licensing,” he says. “We were incorporated on the 7th of August, and achieved a licensing pathway in Queensland a week later. It’s not an issue in NSW yet, but we want to make sure that the industry is represented, especially as there’s a push by Kevin Rudd to achieve national licensing.”

Barr insists SPRAA will work with SPASA.

“It’s important that we work together – absolutely. And try to achieve the same goals. SPASAC have invited us down to Melbourne for their meeting. We’re not a threat and we shouldn’t be seen as a threat. It’s just that we’re trying to achieve a pathway for licensing for a fair and reasonable cost.

“I’m passionate about it. It’s something I believe will benefit the industry as a whole.”

Barr says they will begin to canvass for more independent members, and then look to set up chapters in each state.

“But we’ll crawl before we can walk. It will happen, optimistically, sometime in the next twelve months. But we’ve got the season coming on us right now, so we’ll have to settle down. But if you think about it, PoolWerx is headquartered in Queensland, Swimart in New South Wales, Poolside in South Australia and Clark Rubber in Victoria, so we could start setting it up pretty easily.”

For more information go to www.spraa.asn.au. or contact the secretary, Therese Nolan on 0414 324 535.

By The Splash Team
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