Spa World goes carbon neutral

Spa World is laying claim to the title of the world’s first carbon neutral spa retailer.
Two years ago they committed to achieving this aim, on the back of the devastating Australian bushfires.
While they were already reusing, recycling and reducing waste, the bushfires were a wake-up call, and they committed to carbon-neutrality.
They teamed up with GreenFleet – a 25-year-old not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s first carbon offset provider – and Ekos, a New Zealand organisation that creates self-sustaining forest carbon projects and programs.
This enabled them to carry out a comprehensive self-assessment of their carbon footprint. They looked at all components used in the manufacturing and the overall process; all international freight; each retail showroom and warehouse; every domestic delivery; and head office operations including waste, electricity, vehicles, flights and accommodation.
Once they calculated the emissions, they looked at a range of options to offset them – and with GreenFleet’s help they are removing 2000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.
Spa World is encouraging other businesses to get on board to help make a sustainable planet.
If your company is interested in measuring and reducing your own carbon footprint, there are some easy to use tools to help. As a start, simply google “calculate your carbon footprint” or check out the carbon footprint calculators on the Ekos website.
IMAGE: Spa World, South Australia